Lux Tellum Cases - HOA: 1W-SC81-22 AND Playground Games: 1W-TN46-22

 It seems I'm making up for my lack of posts from last week. Not only do I have two Lux Tellum recordings I also found actual monster files, and I have a strange book that seems to make notes about monsters and other mysterious creatures. Slowly but surely I plan to make posts about each chapter in this book. As for now, some copies of the pages. 

Recording one  

Recording starts: 


Candle ID C-763-88. Reading Case file 1W-SC81-22.

Reading Wildfire’s W-718-01 report.

 Recount Begins.

October 6th. Year 2022. 

The group woke up early to meet Marlon Beaufort for information regarding the relics that were needed to help break the curse. 

There are three items that we need to find. 

1: Anima Lapis: Located in a home in Tennessee. 

2: Abscisum Ferrum: Located in a small community in South Carolina.

3:Sanguis Patera: Located at Homes and Homes Hotel in Detroit. It was told to an old friend/private man of Amelia’s. Civilia 2’s father was helping them track it down.

Discovering a connection to the Abscisum Ferrum, Civilian 4 informed us of a dream/ Vision that they had of a woman with red hair who stabbed a man in the chest, killing him with the blade. 

(Photo file attached) 

Once it was clear we were going to south Carolina for the dagger, civilian 4 began to scry and saw four unknown women (witches) killing a boy to do some sort of ritual

Civilian 2 seemed to have knowledge about witches and seemed hesitant to go. It was revealed that Civilian 2 also knew of the Abby in Civilian 4 last vision.

Noticing how normal and “perfect” the community was, the group wanted to pass off as normal. We rented a car and went through security for the open house that was posted around. 

Going to the open house, we met with Mary.

Note: This is the woman from Civilian’s 4 Vision. Power leaked off of her. 

There are two others with Mary, We come to know them as Patricia and Linda who were Mary’s partners and two of the other witches. 

The fourth one wasn’t there.

While Civilian 1 and 4 followed the three women outside, Civilian 2 and I checked upstairs finding an old magical book and a diary. We did not proceed to touch these in case it might alert them.

We met a woman who was also there for the open house. Her name was Diana Roy.

Note: Later on in the day, she was found stalking us. We later discovered she was the fourth witch and we were too late.

It was discovered that the boy that Civilian 4 had seen in the scrying had lived in this house with his parents and had heard his parents screaming then something had come to his room.

Once we were downstairs and the open house began to close for the night, we all left. 

We made our way over to Linda’s House, offering Wine as a way to get in. We talked with her a bit before asking for a house tour to see the decor (this of course was a lie)

While distracted,Civilian 2 moved upstairs under the guise of using the bathroom. (That excuse again… just how many times will they use it.)

Soon the tour went upstairs, heading into the office to see paintings. It was then revealed that Civilian 2 was only in the office that was connected and in a strange turn of events wasn’t caught. 

Moving back downstairs, we were unable to find a way into the basement and had to leave. Outside we talked about our findings and what we were facing. Civilian 1 heard a branch break and confronted Diana Roy who posed as an investigator. 

Note: There was no evidence to suggest she posed any threat to us. We were reckless.

(Actions have consequences.)

After talking to Diana, we made our way to Patricia’s household, wanting to learn about the rules of the community. 

-Informing us that she would have to print it out, Patricia made her way upstairs and used an old printer that gave us time to look around. 

Civilian 1 and I endedd up going into the basement. Walking down the stairs, It was too late to realize that the stairs wouldn’t hold our weight. The stairs gave way and I fell through, my leg punctured by the wood. 

With the help of Civilian 1, I managed to get free. 

Note: Due to my blood loss and deliriousness, I am unable to confirm what I saw or not. During the incident, Civilian 7’s eyes glowed almost like cats.

(Seems like this child… is always coming up.) 

I made my way out to the car in hopes to not get any more blood on the floor.

When the group was done, they made their way back to the car. 

Note: Sometime earlier in the day, we discovered Civilian 2 has an interesting past. They also have a friend who helps them out when they need it. 

Going back to the motel, we all decided to head to our rooms. Civilian 1 went for a walk as I patched up my leg 

The wound did not seem to get any better.

After a bit, a large rumbling earthquake hit the town. Realizing Civilian 1 was gone, Civilian 2 got in contact with their FBI friend.

Note: Civilian 2 called him: The Sherlock to her Moriarty.

Once realizing that the keys were gone and waiting on information, I went back to my room to sit down and we all convened there.  

Once finding out where Civilian 1 was, we headed to the Bar where we proceeded to gain information on Diana Roy (Being the fourth witch) Wanting to get back to the community in hopes we can try to stop it.

Note:Civilian 1 has the tendency of giving up and losing control of their magic. 

After some time getting Civilian 1 into the car, we made our way to the community and were let in by the guard. 

The smell of sulfur was thick in the air. Looking behind us, we watched as the guard was torn to shreds. 

We left back to the hotel, not prepared to face the demon that was summoned. 

In the morning, Civilian 1 came to visit me and tried to heal my leg, making it much worse as it was. We headed to the community, visiting Mary again. With her help, she got rid of the blood curse.

This mission was a F.

Recount End.

(a long sigh) It would seem this wildfire has had a hiccup lately. That is unfortunate. Should the apple not fall far from the tree I am afraid they will need… 

It doesn’t matter. We’ll give them 72 hours to complete a simple task. Should they refuse to complete it we will carry out what we need to. 

For any further notes on this case you can report to me. My Candle ID C-763-88. You can also speak to the Forger. Their ID: F-436-54. 


Recording two

Recording starts: 


Candle ID C-763-88. Reading Case file 1w-TN46-22 and documented monster file.

Starting with the monster file. Monster code: WW-TS-83LW. Ghost Children. Monster type: Trickster  Weaknesses: Salt.

Wildfire’s W-718-01 report:

We woke to a scream that came from Civilian 4’s room. Entering we learned that they had another vision.

Note: They were in the eyes of a man who would forcefully enter a cabin to find a person looking around. Screams and cries of children could be heard before he knocked them unconscious and proceeded to slam their head into the floor until they were dead. 

Gathering into the car, we made our way to Hidden Grove, NC where we came across an abandoned park and trail which was known to have had people gone missing, Injuries and etc. 

Note: Mentioning Hidden Grove, the group became suspicious of me. Civilian 4 began to ask questions. 

Additional note: with the help of the drawing that Civilian 4 had drawn, Civilian 2 used their contact to find the person who we later learned was named Elio Yukari. 

The van sputtered then proceeded to die. Civilian 7 and 4 left the car to play at the park while Civilian 2 fixed the van. 

Note: Civilian 7 revealed that his friends were at the park. (Friend’s huh?)

Once back from playing and getting the car fixed, the group headed to the hospital after learning of a man who was injured on one of the trails.

Note: This man’s name is David Crypstin.  

Civilian 1 and I proceeded to make our way inside of the building to collect information and ask our target some questions while the others made their way back to the trail. 

It is later noted that they had found the cabin and began to look for evidence. 

Before meeting Crypstin, Yukari moved past us and entered the elevator. We were informed that they had been interviewing Crypstin before us. Once able to convince him to talk to us, he revealed that he had been driving and his car came to a dead stop.

As I noted earlier, our van sputtered and died on us as well. He proceeded to tell us that he thought he saw something and followed it. He explained how he was unsure of what he saw as it was impossible. He had seen his brother who had been missing and presumed dead for twenty-eight years. 

Before he knew it, he had stumbled backwards and hit his head on his car. He has no idea how or who got him to the hospital. 

Having no further questions, we proceeded to Todrick Bugiardo house where we found our way around, without being caught. After meeting the maid, we made our way down to the basement.

Note: Some evidence to show Bugiardo’s wrongdoing. He had children's teeth in a jar. Civilian 1 took the jar of teeth (tampering with evidence…) There seemed to be a secret room but it is unsure what was in there. We had to leave before the maid woke up.

Note: I’ve come to learn that Civilian 2, 4 and seven went back to the park. They found the cabin with paperwork and other evidence including the graveyard of children's bones.

After a while, we met up with one another, telling each other about our finding and thinking of a plan. 

It was then that Civilian 8- Miss Yukari would arrive where we were before berating us about tampering with evidence. 

The group informed us of the grave and showed us. The ghosts began to pull at our pants and even bite.

We shared what we knew about her death and the vision and prepared her to fight for her life. She knew the dangers that she was in and we knew we could stop him. 

She stayed inside of the cabin while we all found our way outside. While the others were busy fighting him, I knew we still had a hunt we had to finish. 

While the others managed to capture Todrick, I made my way over to the bones of the children that were once human. 

To prove my loyalty, I burned the monsters. It was already too late to hide my tracks as the others came back and followed me back to the cabin. Once there, it was revealed that I work for Lux Tellum.

Note: I was unable to get the blood of the youngest member of our team. 

Once we reached the motel, we got out of the car.

Civilian 1 felt I was a threat but shot Civilian 2 who stepped in the way. 

Note: I should note, I met a woman by the name of Abby (a common name that has come up…)

It is unsure of who this person is at the moment but seems to have a strange relationship with Civilian 2.

Recount ends.

Abby? It is most likely Dr. Abigail Dawning. She has been noted a few times in separate occurrences. She’s a problem even above my pay grade…

As for the rest of this… Well at least the children were taken care of. That can be marked as a success. We are, however, still waiting for the blood sample from the child that travels with that group. 

I have a hunch on what that child is. I hope I am right.

I will make additional notes when we receive the sample, or when we receive silence.

Lastly, and as always you can report to me. My Candle ID C-763-88. You can also speak to the Forger. Their ID: F-436-54. 



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