Lux Tellum Case 1W-LA62-22 "Hunting Trip"

I want to apologize for how some of the recording may sound. I'm not exactly sure what happened but some of it is choppy, or there is just pure static. I did what I could to mend it. 

In better news, however, it seems we have part of a name for whoever is speaking. "Ms. Bell", as they were called. As always I'll keep you posted if I found out anything!

Recording starts: 


Candle ID C-763-88. Reading Case file 1W-LA62-22 and documented monster file.

Starting with the monster file. Monster code: LA-BS-11QL. Rougarou, sometimes referred to as the Loup-garou Monster type: Beast Habitat: Swamps. Weaknesses: Easily distracted by counting. Abilities: Frightening presence, Sharp Claws, Strong bite. Description: A large wolf-lycanthrop humanoid.  

Reading Wildfire’s W-718-01 report.

 Recount Begins.

Around 1200 hours. LAKE CITY, LOUISIANA.

The next day started with Civilian 2 and civilian 5 talking to one another as Civilian 4 seemed to be in some sort of trance

Note: Had a Mirror that was used to scry and help their psychic powers to see more (Seems that group has a child of Otho… now that is interesting)

Civilian 4 seemed to snap out of their trance and proceeded to relay information of a threat against the Group. 

Name Revealed: Abby (no surname) sitting with a man (unknown) Civilian 4 talks about the man talking to Abby. It is revealed that the two were talking about the group and knows that they are proceeding to try to break the curse on Civilian 5. 

The man seemed to know that Reagan was there and once mentioned, the woman snapped her fingers and sent her back. 

Note: All information relayed by Civilian 4.

Civilian 4 mentions hearing the sound of tearing into flesh as a man is ripped apart. It is revealed that this man’s name is Mike Queggle who we came to believe was dead. 

(Photo file attached)


Breaking into a CVS, (Pause) we manage to get some pills for Civilian 1. 

Note: I gathered these were PTSD pills. (Based on what we have researched about Civilian 1 they were likely Triotine, or commonly referred to as “little reds”)

Talking to Civilian 1, we gathered that the creature that we were hunting was not in fact a werewolf but a rougarou. 

Description: A creature with a human body and the head of a wolf or dog.

It was discovered that Marlon Beaufort is the father of Maeve. 

Note: [Maeve] is the ex-girlfriend of Civilian 5 and also the one who cursed her to stay behind. 

(recording is interrupted by a door opening)


Ms. Bell? You have someone who wants to speak to you in the lobby.


I’m busy right now, recording a case file.


Sorry, Ma’am. (awkward pause) Would you like me to tell them to wait?


Yes. That's fine. Now please-

(The door creaks as it is closed again)

Where was I? That's right…

We proceeded to Louisiana to visit civilian's 4 brothers' dorm room

Name: Maverick Clarke. Age: 17 (Clarke huh?)  


Civilian 8 studies biology but seems  to investigate strange occurrences. Two other civilians and him have been investigating [static]

Civilian 8 seems to have a vast knowledge on lore and myths. Civilian 1 and 8 figured out a code written on a card with the name of JOSEPH STYLES.(Of which I’d like to remind this wildfire failed to save, but anyways…)  

After researching, we found evidence that revealed that Mike Queggle had a swamp-tour Grotto which we wanted to see if we could find anything to do with him and where he could have gone.

Arriving at the place, We met with Ned, who introduced himself as the cousin of Ed and proceeded to threaten us with a gun when civilian 1 tried to barter with him, after promising to buy tickets. In the Swamp tour place, we managed to learn that Beaufort had been there a couple hours earlier.

We proceeded to go find Marlon Beaufort, who was known to stay at the Motel called [Struggle a bit then give in] Soleil Motel. Arriving, the worker there refused to give us the room number of where Beaufort stayed. Seeing which key was gone, we made our way to this room, under the guise that we all had to use the bathroom.(Really… and he believed you?... I guess whatever works)


Civilian 2 opened the door and walked inside.Investigating the room, we managed to find evidence that led us to believe he had gone on the tour.

Note: The evidence was a map that matched the swamp-tour Grotto with an area circled which we later came to discover was an abandoned cabin.

 We waited closer to the hour that the tour would start before we returned. 

Civilian 1 and 2 made their way into the bathroom and it is unclear of what transpired within the bathroom stalls. 

Five minutes before the tour would start, we made our way to get on the boat. We were introduced to the captain. We discovered that the captain was none other than Mike Queggle. 

Note: Civilian 2 seemed to have been thrown against the wall. Civilian 1 did not seem able to stand/ walk to the boat. 


We manage to get there in time and get ready for the tour. We were informed by Civilian 1 that the monster could camouflage itself to make it almost invisible to the eye.

Note: it is unclear how this information came to Civilian 1.

Important to mention: Civilian 1 has some experience in performing magic and has used it more than once. (I suppose that should come as a little surprise…)

It was around a quarter past three when the boat for the tour began to falter and die within the water. 10 or 20 minutes went by and the boat sputtered in the water again before coming to a complete stop.

Note: Sometime during the day, we discovered that this may not be a blood curse.

Noticing the creature was not far from us, the group made the decision to get off the boat at the abandoned cabin. 

This did not go according to plan. (No kidding.)

Civilian 7 attacked the creature,(The kid?) trying to defend us but was unable to break skin. He, however, was injured. 

He was quickly removed from the situation and taken from the boat by Civilian 4 who was bitten in the shoulder. 

Note: keeping watch on condition. No immediate danger.

Testing their weakness, Civilian 2 attacked with a silvered bat. There was no reaction. 

Civilian 2 became critically injured and was removed before any more damage could be done to them. 

We noted that colanders were effective. The Rougaru seemed to let out a human sigh before stopping to count how many holes it had in it, giving us all time to get away to patch ourselves up.

Strange occurrence?: Something strange happened when patching up Civilian 4 arms. Details attached in a separate report.

The monster was coming closer and closer. Civilian 2 managed to climb to the roof, firing their sniper rifle. (A.. Sniper rifle… This was… in the south… makes sense)

The monster managed to get in and it began to count pennies which Civilian 1 had placed in a trail leading to one of their many bear traps. (Many?)

Mike Queggle pulls out two sawed-off shotguns and used them on the monster, drawing the creature closer to the trap. The monster managed to get one claw stuck in the bear trap.(Where did the bear trap come from…)

Note: Civilian 1 had bought some at the store when we arrived in Louisiana.(Oh… very resourceful)

Civilian 2 climbed down from the roof, pulling their own shotgun and firing it, causing more damage to the creature. 

Civilian 1 used some sort of Magic, and the target was eliminated. 

Additional notes: After the mission is over, Civilian 8: (Marlon Beaufort) reveals himself. Like the group, he was on a job and killed the Rougarou child before it could get away.

Marlon revealed that he knew where certain relics were to break the curse on Civilian 5. 

The group and I came to a unanimous vote to talk when we are out of the swamp and in the motel. 

Recount ends. 

Well well, Marlon Beaufort finally shows up after dropping off the face of the planet. Before I explain more about this man, concluding remarks on the case. 

It’s a miracle they didn’t die. We have lost some of our best soldiers to Rougarous. The case is marked as a success however I will need to confirm Mr. Beaufort's detainment. 

He has owed us the location of The Keys for many years now, and I think it’s time we get our due. 

Not to mention I have a hunch he knows exactly who might be causing the recent security breaches… If that’s the case the Lux Tellum will have his head (pause) or well, seeing as he wouldn’t be neutralized by such a tactic, we would condemn him to the burning cells.  

Regardless, a fitting eternity for that man. 

For any further notes on this case you can report to me. My Candle ID C-763-88. You can also speak to the Forger. Their ID: F-436-54. 



  1. Wow, that so amazing. I never knew that monster really existed. You are amazing.


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