Lux Tellum Case 1W-MS29-22 "The Black Widows Web"


Recording Starts:


Candle ID C-262-90 standing in for Candle C-763-88. Reading Case file 1W-MS29-22 and documented monster file.

Starting with the monster file. Monster code JP-BR-62BC. Jorogumo. Monster type: Breeder. Habitat: Cold typically dry locations. Weaknesses: Strong scents… Bug spray. Abilities: Web creation, and it is rumored they can charm their male prey. Description: Typically a beautiful woman, however she has spider legs that protrude from her back. Sometimes said to have an entire spider abdomen. 

Now the Case File.

Wildfire Code Reporting in on this file is W-718-01, however it is followed by notes from soldiers. Result: F. Date: Oct. 3 2022. Location: Windy Meadow MS, 38654, In the Black Widow Gentleman Club.  

Recount Begins.

(Wildfire W-718-01 Recount)

It was October 3rd. 

Early in the morning, we all met at Civilian’s fives house where we collected our items in a van that belonged to Civilian’s two. 

Civilian five gave us the location that we were to travel to but asked us to stop at a different place as they wanted to check out a place in Mississippi. 

We arrived in the Windy Meadow (MS, 38654) where we arrived at Benjamin Alinav’s Law office. Though he was not present, Civilian 2 seemed to have knowledge of how to get in and out of places very easily. The group split up and began looking for anything of use.

Note: We found a phone leading to text messages to and from Father and son about firing a woman by the name of Maria because the scent of Citrus was disliked by a woman named Junno. 

Eventually, we came across a billboard that showed a man missing. We soon found this as an opportunity to investigate the disappearance. 

Wanting to see if we could find any further clues we made our way to the fathers house. We managed to get inside the building where we found evidence that he was corrupt. (A judge taking bribes? Isn’t that a shocker)

Evidence includes: Drugs and a large sum of money. 


Around the house we found the citrus soap, as mentioned in the prior texts. We proceeded to get to the fathers closet when police alerted us of their presence. Civilian 7 was, at first, nowhere to be found.

In the process of escaping and hurrying along Civilian 7, Civilian 1 was tased but all managed to escape.  

Note: It seemed as if something happened to Civilian 4. It is unclear, but it was as if they had suddenly gone sick.

Civilian 2 drove just out of town to a pawn shop owned by a man named Ed who spoke of a wife that never showed herself.

He was the one who managed to get the judges lock-box open, and finalized the group's decision to travel to the Black Widows Gentleman Club. 

The club wasn't open for a few hours and so the group settled on buying rooms from the local motel (also run by Ed). A few hours later, we prepared to step into the den. 


The owner of the club was Junno, and the jorogumo. After telling her story the group came to the decision (non-unanimous) to leave her be. 

Note: Civilian 4 was given the creature's phone number. 

Recount Ends.

The next morning our soldiers entered the building in order to slay the creature once and for all. According to their reports, Jorogumo and her children were missing. According to Soldier S-294-02 all that was left was a napkin with a red lipstick kiss mark. Attached in a bag to the file.

It is unclear how she was aware of our presence, or  if she had an informer. Though it has come to our recent attention there has been more than one security breach. It is important we get these settled ASAP. 

For any further notes you can report to the candle assigned to this case. Candle ID: C-763-88. You can also speak to the Forger ID: F-436-54.

As always written notes are attached. 


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