[PRIVATE] Update about 'the group'

 Sort of trying to keep tabs with where you guys go. This post is private so only certain people can see it. And if the LT find it I doubt they'd be quiet enough that I wouldn't figure it out. 

Also uuuuhhhhh there is a strange part. I transcribed it to the best of my ability but... you'll understand when you hear it. 



Okay, where do I even begin? So I’m not really sure on the exact date but the group, that should make a name for themselves - got together and met Noa. From my understanding they were a Nazi. I digress, the group killed a Led Yavol or a Russian Ice Devil which led to them helping an Ally named Amy.

Something about needing items to break a curse on her by an ex… woof thats one hell of a way to break it off… uhhhh they met a Jorogumo, who knows where she crawled off to. Next was the Rougarou - oh we learned the Candle leading Noa is named Bell - never figured out who that other woman was. Seems there is something to do with a guy named *Queggle?* thats a terrible name. Speaking of names the group met Marlon Beaufort. From my understanding he is a member of the KEYS, and also Maeves dad. What **I** want to know is how. I mean Maeve is like ancient, right? So shouldn’t her father be old too? How… nevermind.

Um so the group went to a neighborhood with witches, but not Maeve… I know there must be something important here but for the life of me I can’t figure it out. What I can say is since that mission people have been going missing without any follow up. My guess is that they broke one of the HOA rules.

Uhhh okay after that was the park and the ghost kids. If I understand correctly its also where Noa showed his true colors. Also first mentions of Abby or Dr. Abigail Dawning, but we’ll get back to her later.

Next were the skeletons and that one girl that seemed to be known by Scarlett and Noa. McKenna was her name! Also I almost forgot some guy named but not named Sherlock was involved? I have more on that later too. 

So after that the LT recordings stopped, but I mean obviously the group didn’t. My knowledge of the rest is kind of spotty but I think I’ve got the jist of it all. There was a “Shape Eater” On a highway, the group may or may not have released a prisoner… They took care of the monster and moved right along.

Next was the hotel… which uh fun fact I found the live footage of the events. Yeah so turns out that hive has a small gambling ring for vampires. But uh thats where they got the bowl they would need. So yayyy…

There was also a hospital trip, I think it was after the Hotel cause the group got fucked up after that. Believe me I saw. After that they met another witch and… sorry getting off topic. 

Next was Candescail-


I can take it from here little moth. 

Hello listeners! It feels as if it has been quite some time wouldn’t you say? A few months at least. Oh but everything is moving at the right speed for you I suppose. Lets see, what did our little rabbits achieve while they were here?

For starters you met [REDACTED]... you weren’t supposed to delve there little hares… But I’ll let it slide. Afterall you were quite fun to play with. I do miss you ever so fervently.

At the bar I showed you some truths in the bathroom, didn’t I red hare? (laughter) Upstairs you found a pistol of an old… friend. Perhaps you’ll find more use of it than he did.

At the highschool there were many sights to see. None as interesting I’d say as the band room and the theater. Oh the theatre had a very fun tableau. I do wonder what you all might do with that knowledge. So far its been surprisingly ‘pushed under the rug’ so to speak. A problem forgotten doesn’t make it fixed. 

 Our rabbit who has a gun set to trigger in a year learned that I also toyed with their parents. I must admit, they didn’t have the hope you did. Oh and another thing. I Helped you, whether you know it or not. A little lesson for your entire fluffle, out of the goodness of my heart. 

Speaking of the goodness of my heart I took it upon myself to show you something imperative at the hospital and you act like you didn’t even notice! I’m hurt, truly. Do me a favor little hares: At least pretend to act like you’re curious who Levi was and why he was making a deal with a burn victim.

Oh I suppose I’ve taken over long enough. I’ll hand the mic over to the Moth, but really I must welcome the kit that I didn’t get to meet in person. Blake… Welcome to the fun. And some food for thought before our departure: What happened shortly after the crash?

That's all for now folks, until next time!


Which I guess Brings us to the present… Blake, my cousin… that thing killed her entire family. I brought her to Cleo after, it was a gut feeling that I needed to. Turns out I was right. Cleo was more than I thought she was, though I think I caught her off guard by pointing at the tattoo. 

She’s called the dripping lady. Not Cleo, but that *thing* I don’t have anything on her but I have a hunch that I’m going to follow up on. It’s the least I can do. I’m not really sure how else to help Blake, and I’m worried about her. Hopefully the groups arrival might bring her some peace. At least she won’t be alone…

Also side note. Dr. Abigail Dawning… or well there is no better way to say it… she’s a demon. A well known demon at that. And that Sherlock? Alec Lawson, FBI and not human. There’s some other stuff about them both but not important to put here.

Oh last side note the dripping lady spoke. Apparently thats happened before, but she states some sort of contract in Latin. We don’t think she spoke latin this time. According to Cleo the words we heard were something about refusing to be controlled or enslaved. The real kicker? It was in Hebrew. 

I know thats a whole other can of worms, but it felt important to mention. Guess thats all. If the group gives me updates I’ll try to log the things they do. It might help us when we’re looking back. 

Uh, bye.


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